
Seacoast Waste Not

Reduce waste. Feed your community.

Reduce the volume of food waste while alleviating hunger by securing food donation pathways from providers to Gather’s Cooking 4 Community kitchens.

Between 25-40% of food grown, processed, and transported in the US will never be consumed, while an estimated 44 million people live in households that have difficulty securing enough food to feed everyone. 

Who We Are

  • Coalition facilitated by Gather, managed by leaders in the food space, and supported by interested affiliates.

  • Coalition participants can be any food provider who generates excess consumable food in any quantity, for example, restaurants, chefs, caterers, farms, country clubs, hotels, etc. Affiliates must have ServSafe certified staff and will be vetted by SWN to ensure food safety protocols.

Our Goals

  • Build a coalition of trusted partners dedicated to reducing food waste and alleviating hunger in our community.

  • Repurpose affiliate-donated food into nutritious meals for food insecure individuals and families.

  • Advocate in our community for initiatives that reduce food waste through collaborative community events.

The Seacoast Waste Not initiative works to address food waste in the food service industry—an opportunity that Gather has been seeking to address.

Along with its fresh rescue and gleaning programs, Gather now addresses food waste from all non-residential sectors.

How It Works

  • Team at Tuckaway Tavern with Tania

    A Call Comes to SWN

    A member contacts SWN with details of food they would like to donate.

  • rice in a bag in a box

    Food Collection

    Gather will arrange for food to make its way to one of the Cooking 4 Community (C4C) kitchens—maintaining food safety through all stages of this process.

  • Meal Prep

    Gather’s C4C team will transform the donations into nutritious meals made with love for our community members in need.

  • Meals Are Ready

    Meals are then distributed at Gather’s Pantry Market. For our food-insecure neighbors, this may be the only prepared, homemade meal they have access to.

Thank you for your interest
in our coalition.

Please fill out the form below,

and Seacoast Waste Not will be in touch.

Founding Members

Evan Mallett (Black Trumpet)

Nina Parrott (Fifth Flavor)

David Vargas (Vida Cantina)

Tim Barr (Ore Nell’s)

Harley Smith (Jumpin’ Jay’s)

Mark Segal (Fold’d)

Jennifer Desrosiers (Altitude Companies)

Sarah Cox (Tuckaway Farms)

Paul Simbliaris (Tuckaway Tavern)

Chris Barstow (Favorite Foods)